You are currently browsing the monthly archive for August 2012.

The Fetal Alcohol Network of New Zealand is holding an event to promote FASD awareness, “Living and Learning with FASD; What Works Best”, September 4th, in Auckland.

Guest Speakers:

  • Dr Valerie McGinn: Neuropsychologist and FASD Specialist
  • Lisa Smith: FASD Family Advocate

Can’t make it to the event, but still interested in what the speakers might have to say?

You can access Dr.McGinn’s recent presentations from the University of British Columbia’s Fifth National Biennial Conference on Adults and Adolescents with FASD:

You can also check out a recent news article about Lisa Smith or read a letter written by Lisa about life and education for her son with FASD.

Given that individuals with FASD tend to have academic difficulties (studies have found that reading, spelling, and math are common areas of impairment1,2), why not continue academic practice throughout the summer to ease the transition back into school?

“Great Schools” has put together a list of creative activities for practising reading.

For other ideas and resources for academic practice throughout the summer, see Do2Learn’s academic section in our previous post: “A Great Online Resource for Kids with Special Needs”

1.         Streissguth AP, Aase J, Clarren S, Randels SP, LaDue R, Smith DF. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in adolescents and adults. The Journal of the American Medical Association. 1991;265:1961-1967.
2.         Mattson S, Crocker N, Nguyen T. Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: neuropsychological and behavioral features. Neuropsychology Review. 2011;21:81-101.


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